I'm currently totally digging into this site: lunchinabox.net (click!)
They have they best tips for making bentos and such; and check this out, there's actually a standard size for bento lunch boxes according to your height?! Guide to choosing right size (click!)
and here's a site with some cute bento accessories! (click)
1A07 MIGHT be having some bring-your-lunchbox-day, I don't know if that day will ever come, but we were talking about it randomly the other day and it sounds fun doesn't it!!
Well, If I had enough time, I'd love to make something like this:

unfortunately, i won't have the time and patience (and such BIG sheets of seaweed!!)
Secondly, I'm gonna promise myself to NOT spend so much time for the internet.
I'm gonna start a visual journal (staring with markers and ink, pencil sketches shall wait. Maybe next month), and that's inspiration from xiner (I wonder if she's reading this haha!)
See, i've been wasting TOO much time on the internet and its TOTALLY depriving me of my art + music time. So yeah, visual journal starting monday.
I also have a horrible stye on my eye, they're these pimple-like things on the inner lids of your eyes and they hurt. Like grains of sand on your eye or something. Thus, I may or may not go to church tomorrow, depending on how bad it will be. Kaiying had those loads of times, but I need to go out in the afternoon.
The art chums and I might be going out on a photoshoot outing after collecting the canvases from NAFA, since we're having our photography module really soon. I don't know how we're supposed to lug the canvases around while taking photos, but we'll figure that out somehow. Hopefully that outing will still be on!
Its 1:15 am now, and I should really get some rest before the stye gets worse.

I hope I'll dream of these (L)
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